
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.166-7), Hamlet to Horatio

As we rapidly approach the Winter Solstice of 2012, the “End of the World" doom and gloom scenario is reaching a fevered pitch.  I personally do not ascribe any true prediction of the "end times" or any other such non-sense.  I do however believe that there is some scientific reasoning behind why people "think" that something of major significance may occur by this time, or some time shortly after.  Although, it will most likely take a shape that no one person could possibly imagine.  The most interesting scenario that takes us through the "rabbit hole" and makes me personally wonder if the quote by Hamlet is truer than ever.   

What is the Noosphere anyway?  
The Noosphere is a theoretical premise brought forth by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ.  Chardin was a Jesuit Priest whom was also classically trained as a Paleontologist.  The Noosphere was possibly his way to rectify the seeming gap between religion and science.  The idea was simple, Chardin needed a way to conceptualize the "evolution" of man, but his focus was directed towards a more esoteric version of "evolution".  Wherein, man's evolution is typically more focused on mental evolution rather than physical.  Therein lies the premise of the Noosphere.

Noosphere: The sphere of human consciousness and mental activity especially in regard to its influence on the biosphere and in relation to evolution. (1)

Within this concept lies the logical question.  What is the nature of human consciousness?  Is the relativism of the individual still important when we speak generally of the Noosphere?  Or is this a "version" of relative collectivism.  To many, the idea that we are connected and responsible in some way for every other living organism is, in fact, an alien concept.  Many of them have been cast into their current worldview by the shaping effects of propaganda, popular mythology, and lesser amounts of critical thinking.  This, in fact, has led to the popular misconceptions that breed the "idiot" effect.  In reality, all humans and their relative positions, psychologies and worldviews are simply an effect of their society and power structures.  But the idea of the Noosphere attempts to destroy that form of rationale.   

In historical context, the Noosphere is seemingly prevalent.  It is there whether we wish to believe it or not.  Our thoughts on the matter do in fact turn out to be irrelevant.  Historical record shows that the Noosphere is an all-encompassing fact that has shaped human society, and has led us to question our relative history in many ways.  The first piece of evidence lies the seemingly large "coincidence" that many of the ancient cultures were aware of some form of "advanced" engineering techniques.  Here, the pyramidal structures of South-America, North-America, Egypt, Europe, and even the Asian-Pacific regions are hard to ignore (2). Another interesting piece of this is that most of these pyramids were built in the same "time-period" and in a world completely "disconnected" according to historians.  This actually causes two things to become relevant questions. 

1.  Were we really unaware of each other (no contact at all)?

2.  Did the "Collective Consciousness" cause the seemingly similar constructions to occur? 

The only other possibility is that there were "other" builders, which is more a flight of fancy than a reality.  The second major piece of evidence comes in the form of Astronomy.  These culture were seen as "primitive" sun worshipers, when in reality their understanding of astrophysical cycles and the ebb and flow of time were in many ways more advanced than our own today.  Again, the premise that they understood these cycles and their periodicity to a certain degree of precision is strange.  And the same two questions again appear in front of us with the same level of confusion.   

Context as it relates not only to history but the present day is also there.  The Internet.  This is seen by most of society, but there are multiple projects that are dealing with the idea that the Internet is in fact a manifestation of this Noosphere, and the data is surprising to say the least.  Check out the Global Consciousness Project to learn a bit more.

One major aspect of the Noosphere that really intrigues me personally are the causal effects of the Noosphere on the "individual".  The historical evidence points invariably that societies all have the "collective consciousness" that seems to be geared towards societal evolution.  But, as we all know, the rule of causation, that for any effect on society, there will also be an effect on the individual.  So, how does this "effect" actually arise individually?  I have personally had some "ideas" and "theories" on what the effects of this are to the individual, and to be truthful I have no "evidence" to prove or dis-prove, but I can still speculate.   

1. Déjà vu - from French, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced had been experienced in the past.  

In my mind, this literally has the "hallmark" of being one of those "what in the hell?" moments.  Now, from my thoughts, this is one of two things.  Either this is an esoteric effect of the "collective consciousness" attempting some experiential manifestation, or in other words saying "hey this is something I've seen before in a different form".  Or, it could be a more scientific reasoning, by the statement that there is "another you" in "another place" that in effect experienced this singular moment in time, and somehow their "frame of reference" was dumped into your conscious mind providing that effect of "being there" before. However, I must point out that these are only my personal thoughts on the subject and NOT scientific fact.  But, even if either of these scenarios were anywhere close to the truth, then the idea of the Noosphere would in fact be relevant.

2.  Synchronicity (3) - 1: the quality or fact of being synchronous.  2: the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality —used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung.

This is another of those "what in the hell?" moments.  Classic examples that, in fact, are strange from the outside perspective, as well as, the personal one.  An example of synchronicity is waking up from a dead sleep and seeing the clock at exactly 11:11.  Another example might be thinking of a friend at a given time, and then that friend calling you or showing up at the same time.  While it is reasonable to say "Well its coincidence" it’s also reasonable to rationalize the idea that this is a form of "collective thought".   

These things are just examples of the Noosphere and its effect on both the individual and the collective.  On many levels this has far-reaching implications.  It also brings us back to the original point.  The 2012 phenomena.  On some level, perhaps, this date was just a coincidence from both our society and those before us.  Or, perhaps, on some level both societies knew that there was a collective want or need to use this date as a "shifting point" or a "change" that occurs both on the individual level and the collective one.  Perhaps this "idea" is simply a way for us to rationalize our position in time, space, and society.  Perhaps this date merely signifies the undertone that we are moving one step closer to the "Omega Point".
